My name is Jocelyn

My name is Jocelyn; I am sixteen-year-old, homeschooled, young lady, who is striving to be a Godly young and follow the Scriptures wholeheartedly and diligently. I was born in New Mexico and moved back and forth to Indiana a few times before we settled down. For the past ten years, I've lived with my family of ten on our little hobby farm in podunk Indiana where every day is a learning experience. The children in my family range from ages of 18-9months.

On our little farm I own (and continually feed enormous amounts of feed to) seven beautiful Nubian goats. I've been raising goats for almost two years now, and though we've had some trouble, it has been a wonderful experience and a blessing. I am momma to Chloe, Heidi, Keci, Bella, Emane, Cowboy, and Elessar. We also have two horses, Ducly (Apaloosa) and Estrella (quarter horse), and about sixty-five chickens. Of course we are looking to move down southwest again, though not sure when.

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I love Jesus Christ as my personal saviour, and desire to live my life to please Him. Jesus laid down his life for me. I am going to lay down my life, my rights, and my wants, and live for Him. It is no small task, but it is a small price to pay compared to what He did for me. I look forward to the day when the trumpet sounds proclaiming the coming of the Lord of Lords - the day He returns for His own.

I feel one of my callings in this life is to show young ladies the Biblical view of the woman and the keeper of the home per se Titus 2. To show them that value does not lie in the number of plaques on an office wall, "being your own woman", or the number of dollar-signs in your bank account, but in being a humble, submissive Daughter of the King. Your heavenly reward will be GREAT!

When I was fourteen I started composing a manuscript, which turned into a lengthy novel. My novel has yet to be published that I am hoping 2008 will be the year the Lord will allow it's publishing to be for real. I already have the sequel almost completed and a few other series started. I am also working on an ebook on how to build a hope chest. I was published in a magazine last fall for the first time, which was a big deal. I'd like to pursue writing continually and hope that one day I will start and publish my own books and magazine.

Jane Austen, Beatrix Potter, Jeannette Oke, and JRR Tolkien are some of my favourite authors, and all have inspired me to write. As you may have noticed all, but one, of those authors lived is a much more conservative era, and also lived in England. I love anything old fashioned and antique. The attire of the middle ages and the knights and maidens have always intrigued me as well as the customs and attire of English and Pioneer 1800s. Going to visit England one of these days is a dream of mine. I constantly talk in my (very good, if I do say so) British accent and the "flowery-speech" of Pride & Prejudice. If you want to come over for a tea party dressed in your English 1800's gown, you are welcome at my place. If it we're up to me I'd go back in time and live during the conservative times of the 1800s. I would wear skirts, bonnets and aprons all day long as I worked in the farmhouse kitchen or milked the goats and cows. I would spend my days walking in the on the hillsides and through the woods, but alas I was born in the 21st century and here I must impact our world for Christ the best way I can.

And, since moving to my new location, A Pondering Heart, just recently I had to get a new template as my "Lord of the Rings fanatic" template wouldn't fit in the coding.... so anyone visiting my blog will NOT see that I am a total LOTR nuthead...but... I collect LOTR items and my room is simply filled with it. *soon to be acquiring a Eowyn gown* I love to study the author, JRR Tolkien, as well as the histories of Middle Earth and the Elvish language.

I also love playing chess, which I am quite good at if any of you want to play a match. I am very athletic and farm-girlish. Not afraid of bugs or spiders. I love to watch movies (masterpeice theater is great!) with my momma and sisters late at night while we constantly check email and blogs.

I also love designing templates and graphics. I recently acquired Photoshop CS3 so I am ready to learn how to use it and start my own graphics business. I also want to learn how to code CSS so I can design websites and wordpress blogs. I am involved with several different sites, some I run personally and others I help out with.

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Posted in Churches/Faith/Religion Post Date 12/15/2022






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